[tao-bugs] TAO Notification Service: does not start

Johnny Willemsen jwillemsen at remedy.nl
Tue Nov 10 01:24:58 CST 2015


Thanks for the files. It looks you are using old content of an ancient
ACE/TAO version which could cause problems.

Please recreate them and just include the config and platform files that
you need, normally these files should be just a few lines.

Best regards,

Johnny Willemsen
Remedy IT

On 11/09/2015 10:59 AM, Stanislaw Trytek wrote:
> Hi,
> I have attached mentioned files. They are not touched. 
> ST
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Johnny Willemsen [mailto:jwillemsen at remedy.nl] 
> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 10:15 AM
> To: Stanislaw Trytek <Stanislaw.Trytek at pitradwar.com>; tao-bugs at list.isis.vanderbilt.edu
> Subject: Re: [tao-bugs] TAO Notification Service: does not start
> Hi,
>> Hi,
>> I have checked that, no links to previous versions, the OS is fresh.
>> I compiled environment with default options manually (not using configure).
>> Any other hints?
> try to run with valgrind or gdb to see where it crashes. The notification service does run without problems in our unit tests.
> For the PRF form below, it would help if you share config.h/platform_macros.GNU content.
> Best regards,
> Johnny Willemsen
> Remedy IT
>> The other test I have done is static linking. Then Notification service crashes with core dump. 
>> Stanislaw
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Johnny Willemsen [mailto:jwillemsen at remedy.nl]
>> Sent: Friday, November 06, 2015 4:43 PM
>> To: Stanislaw Trytek <Stanislaw.Trytek at pitradwar.com>; 
>> tao-bugs at list.isis.vanderbilt.edu
>> Subject: Re: [tao-bugs] TAO Notification Service: does not start
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for using the PRF form. It looks that "(24230|1) logging_strategy == 0" is really an error, there is somewhere a problem getting the needed ACE functionality which is really strange.
>> Have you checked with ldd that you link with all correct libraries, not that you by accident have somewhere something of the old ACE/TAO version?
>> Best regards,
>> Johnny Willemsen
>> Remedy IT Expertise BV
>> Postbus 81 | 6930 AB Westervoort | The Netherlands 
>> http://www.remedy.nl
>> On 11/06/2015 03:29 PM, Stanislaw Trytek wrote:
>>>     TAO VERSION: 2.3.1
>>>     ACE VERSION: 6.3.1
>>>         linux debian jessie AMD 64
>>>     TARGET MACHINE and OPERATING SYSTEM, if different from HOST:
>>>     gcc version 4.9.2 (Debian 4.9.2-10)
>>>     THE $ACE_ROOT/ace/config.h FILE [if you use a link to a platform-
>>>     specific file, simply state which one]:
>>>     THE $ACE_ROOT/include/makeinclude/platform_macros.GNU FILE [if 
>>> you
>>>     use a link to a platform-specific file, simply state which one
>>>     (unless this isn't used in this case, e.g., with Microsoft Visual
>>>     C++)]:
>>> $ACE_ROOT/bin/MakeProjectCreator/config/default.features
>>>     (used by MPC when you generate your own makefiles):
>>> Notification Service
>>>         EXECUTION?
>>>     SYNOPSIS:
>>> Notification service does not work.
>>> We are migrating our software from very early version (5.2.1) and can 
>>> not run the service.
>>> ./tao_cosnotification NoNameSvc
>>> And receive message:
>>> Using 1 threads for each Consumer.
>>> Loading the Cos Notification Service...
>>> (24230|1) logging_strategy == 0
>>> Cannot activate client threads
>>> Failed to initialize the Notification Service.
>>> What can be the change? I have tried many options with configurations.
>>>     REPEAT BY:
>>> Every time
>>> [If available ]
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