[Ace-users] Need Suggestion for building a distributed platform based on ACE

Evan Carew carew at pobox.com
Tue Nov 27 12:27:12 CST 2007

Hash: SHA1

duke wrote:
> Hi:
> My project need a lightweight distributed platform. TAO is just too
> big and complicated for us.
> I am new to ACE, and i have a basic idea of how to build my platform
> on ACE but just need
> some suggestion from you to make sure that if it is possible to build
> such a platform.
> Basic idea of our platform is like below:
> . Dynamic configurable service and partition. same service maybe run
> on different server
>   with different partition.  every service will register its host and
> port on a NET_LOCAL naming
>   service. then the client that use these services can locate them by
> query the naming service.
>   does it possible?  or ACE already provide utility to register and
> locate service dynamically.
ACE can do the naming service, however, using the prepackaged service
/IDL of TAO is definitely the better way to go.
> . RMI/serialize. The client will use RMI to communicate with service.
> does ACE provide a
>   RMI interface or any basic component that i can use to build a RMI ?
If you use TAO / IDL, you don't even have to worry about the concept of
RMI. You are simply filling in a little local functionality (plumbing)
on the server side, and calling what appears to be a local class on the
client side.
> . Message queue/Channel: also i need a persistent channel to store the
> data. i know
>   ACE provide message queue lib. but it seems it is not persistent.
> any suggestion?
It does have the concept of an event queue, to which clients can
subscribe, but again, it is more part of TAO. Unfortunately, the CORBA
spec isn't as thorough or well designed when it comes to events. This
means that the programmer (that's you) is responsible for some
boilerplate code. There are two types of events you would be interested
in looking at, the best effort delivery type, and persistent. Despite
the name, the best effort is still good for most light duty persistent apps.
> many thanks for your suggestion
> regards

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