[Ace-users] [ace-users] Need Suggestion for building a distributed platform based on ACE

Douglas C. Schmidt schmidt at dre.vanderbilt.edu
Tue Nov 27 20:56:00 CST 2007


>thanks for your comments.

You are very welcome.

>It seems that TAO already has everything that i want.
>my concern is that the performance of TAO.
>our spec is pretty simple. just Linux+C++.
>do not need to support other languages. but has large
>volume of network transport in local network.

TAO has good performance in a LAN.  I recommend you try writing some
simple applications and test it out for yourself to see if it meets
your requirements.

Take care,

Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt                       Professor and Associate Chair
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science  TEL: (615) 343-8197
Vanderbilt University                        WEB: www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/~schmidt
Nashville, TN 37203                          NET: d.schmidt at vanderbilt.edu

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