[Ace-users] [tao-announce] MODELS 2007 Call for Participation

Douglas C. Schmidt schmidt at dre.vanderbilt.edu
Tue Sep 11 10:18:05 CDT 2007

Hi Folks,

   The following may be of interest to the ACE+TAO+CIAO community.
Please note that the conference is at Nashville right next to ISIS, so
we'll be around to meet with attendees.



                MODELS 2007 -- Second Call for Participation

                 ACM/IEEE 10th International Conference on
               Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems

                       September 30 - October 5, 2007
                            Nashville (TN), USA


The past decade has witnessed an explosion of interest in advanced
techniques for expressing design intent at a higher level of abstraction
than third-generation programming languages and keeping abstract models of
complex software systems in sync with the underlying code. MODELS 2007
(formerly the UML series of conferences) is the premier conference in
model-driven approaches to software development. The conference includes:
scientific and experience papers, invited speakers, panels, tutorials, 11
workshops, 2 symposia, a tool exhibition, and posters.

The technical program includes 45 papers and five experience reports. Models
received 158 full paper submissions from 36 different countries, all of
which were thoroughly reviewed. Accepted papers cover topics such as
meta-modelling, model transformations, model analysis, aspect-oriented
modelling, and modelling process support.

Please visit the conference website http://www.modelsconference.org/ for
more information.


Patrick Lardieri, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Lab
Mary Shaw, Carnegie Mellon University
Kevin Sullivan, University of Virginia


We advise you to register for the conference as soon as possible.

  Advance registration: up to September 10th
  Late registration   : after September 10th

You can register online at the main conference website and find further
information there about accommodation.


MODELS 2007 is being held at the Marriott hotel at Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Hotel booking information can be found at the
conference website.

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