FW: [cosmic-users] Error importing xme file created by tao_picml

Jeff Parsons j.parsons at vanderbilt.edu
Tue Dec 13 16:27:09 CST 2005


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Parsons 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 4:20 PM
To: 'Prakash Manghwani'; cosmic-users at list.isis.vanderbilt.edu
Subject: RE: [cosmic-users] Error importing xme file created by


I couldn't reproduce the problem you report in my workspace.
Your problem might be due to a bug in the generation of XML
for IDL typedefs in general, which was fixed on Oct. 31, after
CoSMIC 0.4.6 was released. CoSMIC version 0.4.7 was released
on October 23. Could you update to that version and let me know
if the problem persists?


Jeff Parsons 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cosmic-users-bounces at list.isis.vanderbilt.edu 
> [mailto:cosmic-users-bounces at list.isis.vanderbilt.edu] On 
> Behalf Of Prakash Manghwani
> Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 2:57 PM
> To: cosmic-users at list.isis.vanderbilt.edu
> Subject: [cosmic-users] Error importing xme file created by tao_picml
>      CoSMIC VERSION: 0.4.6
>        i.e., which version of Windows are you using.
>          Windows XP Pro,
> [Particularly, which tool in CoSMIC is affected? What example failed?
>   What module failed to compile?]
>          PICML and tao_picml are affected.
>          COMPILATION?
>          LINKING?
>          EXECUTION?
>          OTHER (please specify)?
>            xme files created by tao_picml cannot be imported 
> into PICML.
>      SYNOPSIS:
> [Brief description of the problem]
>          PICML does not like to import xme files created by 
> tao_picml, if 
> one of the idl files has typedef sequence of octets as below.
>          typedef sequence<octet> image_type;
> [Detailed description of problem.  Don't just say "<blah>
> doesn't work, here's a fix," explain what your program does
> to get to the <blah> state. ]
>          run tao_picml on provided idl file. Attached with 
> this email are 3 
> files.
> 1. Batch file that runs tao_picml on idl file and generates xme file.
> 2. Generated .xme file
> 3. idl file that is cause of this problem.
>      REPEAT BY:
> [What you did to get the error; include test program or session
> transcript if at all possible.  ]
>          Files are attached.
> [If available ]
> [Please attach the XME file of your model, generated 
> descriptors and code.
>   In GME you can use "File->Export XML" menu to generate XME files.]
>          Files are attached.
> What is the specific order of steps I need to take in order 
> to create a 
> model of attached idl file in PICML? Specifically, drag and 
> drop what from 
> where and when?
> Thanks
> Prakash  

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