[cosmic-users] Re: tao_picml on Linux?

Krishnakumar B kitty at dre.vanderbilt.edu
Tue May 17 13:26:31 CDT 2005

Hi Sunil,

Please post these questions to cosmic-users at list.isis.vanderbilt.edu so
that answers to questions like this can be saved in the archive (apart from
ensuring that you get an answer).

On Tuesday, 17 May 2005, Aniruddha Gokhale wrote:
> Hi Jeff, Kitty:
> Sunil Rottoo from AirSage and I have been exchanging some emails 
> recently on CoSMIC.  Sunil had some questions with respect to using 
> tao_picml on Linux and wanted to know if this is feasible, and when/how 
> can the CoSMIC bundle be available in source form just like ACE/TAO/CIAO.
> Could you please look at his questions and let us know your thoughts.
>> What I would like to do is to build tao_picml on linux and feed it my
>> idl files so that it could produce the model files. These could be read
>> by CoSMIC on Windows which would generate the descriptors which I could
>> then use on Linux.  Sounds a bit convoluted but I think it could
>> work.

That's the suggested course of action if you don't have access to Visual
Studio.  But you can do a little better by downloading the free community
edition of Microsoft's Visual Studio .NET 2003 command-line compiler
utilities, use the MPC files to generate NMAKE file, compile ACE+TAO+CIAO,
and then use the same approach to built tao_picml.exe.

> The problem is I have a Windows machine but I don't have Visual
>> C++ and from the document it would seem that tao_picml uses TAO's IDL
>> compiler as a front end. I suppose that I could use a prebuilt binary of
>> the IDL compiler. Do you know if one is available and would that be
>> sufficient?

There is no pre-built version of the IDL compiler, and unfortunately it
won't help you since tao_idl.exe invokes the C pre-processor (CPP) to
process the IDL files, and you need to have cl.exe (CPP for windows) in
your PATH.


Krishnakumar B <kitty at dre dot vanderbilt dot edu>
Institute for Software Integrated Systems, Dept. of EECS, Vanderbilt University

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