[cosmic-users] WG: Constrain check and MPC file generation

Krishnakumar B kitty at dre.vanderbilt.edu
Tue Nov 15 13:48:38 CST 2005

Hi Vasili,

On Tue, 15 Nov 2005 04:13:45 -0600, Goutas, Vasili wrote:
>     CoSMIC VERSION: 0.4.5 <= this should be 0.4.6 but it seem that the
> problem-report-form has not been updated in the actual version
> 	Windows XP
> 	http://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/~mxiong/tutorial/01.html
>       Constrain violation:
> 	Constraint: meta:Property::ValidPropertyPartCardinality147
> 	Description: Multiplicity of parts, which are contained by
> Property, has to match 1.

This means that you haven't defined the type of the Property.  If you
double-click a Property, you will see an element called DataType.  This
DataType is a reference to another type defined in your IDL.  Currently, we
only support PredefinedTypes like int, bool, string etc.  So you need to
open up the PredefinedTypes folder in your model and create a reference to
one of the PredefinedTypes inside the Property.

> 	MPC generator.
> 	"Interpretation Failure: Either there in no MPC paradigm present
> and/or Selected Object(s) are not MPC definitions"

Please take a look at %COSMIC_ROOT%\examples\RobotAssembly.xme for an
example of how to create MPC elements in your model.  You also need to make
sure that Perl is installed and is in your PATH.


Krishnakumar B <kitty at dre dot vanderbilt dot edu>
Institute for Software Integrated Systems, Dept. of EECS, Vanderbilt University

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