AW: [cosmic-users] WG: Constrain check and MPC file generation

Goutas, Vasili VGoutas at
Fri Nov 18 08:50:58 CST 2005

Hi kitty,

Sorry for the double posting, but I was not able to post from my personal email account, so I did it using my office account the first time.
Because I thought that this also didn't work, I retried it with my personal account, and now it has been posted twice.

Thanks for your help on my problem. I fixed it and now there are no constrains violated. 
I posted this yesterday, but I haven't seen it in the list till now. 

I also modeled the missed MPC artifacts for my Broker and Distributor parts, generated the workspace and tried to build the Broker example.
It failed, because of the missing StockBase library. I tried to model the missing MPC artifact, but I'm not sure how.
I tried to model it using the Distributor and Broker models as templates (without executor stuff), but was not able to generate a file refence to the imported idl file.
I will post this problem later and add the project file to it. Actually I have no access to my private project.


>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>Von: Krishnakumar B [mailto:kitty at] 
>Gesendet: Donnerstag, 17. November 2005 17:38
>An: Goutas, Vasili
>Cc: cosmic-users at; vasili at
>Betreff: Re: [cosmic-users] WG: Constrain check and MPC file generation
>Hi Vasili,
>On Wed, 16 Nov 2005 02:44:19 -0600, Goutas, Vasili wrote:
>>     CoSMIC VERSION: 0.4.5 <= this should be 0.4.6 but it 
>seem that the 
>> problem-report-form has not been updated in the actual version
>> 	Windows XP
>>       Constrain violation:
>> 	Constraint: meta:Property::ValidPropertyPartCardinality147
>> 	Description: Multiplicity of parts, which are contained 
>by Property, 
>> has to match 1.
>Both Arvind and I replied to your previous mail on the same 
>topic.  Did you get those mails?
>Krishnakumar B <kitty at dre dot vanderbilt dot edu> Institute 
>for Software Integrated Systems, Dept. of EECS, Vanderbilt University

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