AW: [cosmic-users] WG: Constrain check and MPC file generation

Wasili Goutas vasili at
Mon Nov 28 22:38:34 CST 2005


I got the latest cvs sources of ACE_wrappers and MPC.
Checking out the MPC files was only possible in a folder other then the 
one containing the ACE_wrappers project. This is because cvs could not 
checkout diferent projects into the same folder I think.
Creating the solution files of ACE and CoSMIC was only (partly) possible 
after I defined an environment variable named MPC_ROOT pointing to the 
path where I located under the MPC projects directory.
Partly, because I got
   Skipping CIDLC (CIDLC.mpc), it requires boost.
   Skipping IDL3 (IDL3.mpc), it requires boost.
   Skipping IDL2 (IDL2.mpc), it requires boost.
   Skipping CompilerElements (CompilerElements.mpc), it requires boost.
   Skipping CodeGenerationKit (CodeGenerationKit.mpc), it requires boost.
   Skipping CIDL (CIDL.mpc), it requires boost.
although I have defined the environment variables BOOST_ROOT and 

I had to use the script of ACE_wrappers\bin otherwise I got the 
Generating vc71 output using default input
OCMLConfigurator.mpc: line 9:
ERROR: Unable to locate parent: wxwindows
ERROR: Unable to process 
ERROR: Unable to process: default input

WXWINDOWS_ROOT is also set.

Actually I started compilation of TAO_IDL and will report the progress 
tomorrow :-)

> Hi kitty,
> thanks for your answer. 
>>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>Von: cosmic-users-bounces at 
>>[mailto:cosmic-users-bounces at] Im 
>>Auftrag von Krishnakumar B
>>Gesendet: Samstag, 26. November 2005 00:01
>>An: Wasili Goutas
>>Cc: cosmic-users at
>>Betreff: Re: [cosmic-users] WG: Constrain check and MPC file generation
>>Hi Vasili,
>>Please send all your questions/responses to the cosmic-users 
>>mailing list since they will get archived.
> ok
>>On Fri, 25 Nov 2005 04:42:26 -0600, Wasili Goutas wrote:
>>>Hi Arvind,
>>>I synced now the CoSMIC sources from CVS and installed the 
>>>libs (boost, ...).  I tried to compile the release build but 
>>got some 
>>>1. DecoratorLib.idl(12) : fatal error C1083: Include-Datei 
>>kann nicht 
>>>ge.ffnet werden: 'interfaces/InterfaceColl.h': No such file or 
>>BTW, which version of GME are you using?  The files in the CVS 
>>repository have been updated to use GME-5.9.21 and UDM-3.0.  
>>So please download them and try again.  I will update the 
>>documentation shortly.
> I'm using GME Version 4.11.10. I didn't know that the CVS repository needes a newer version. Someone should update the page which defiens the requirement to GME 4.11.10.
> I will install the newversions.
>>>2.\Programme\GME\SDK\BON\ComponentLib.idl(13) : fatal error C1083:
>>>Include-Datei kann nicht ge.ffnet werden:
>>>'./Interfaces/InterfaceColl.h': No such file or directory
>>These errors are due to incorrect include paths.  Which 
>>version of
>>are you using to generate the MSVC solution files?   You should update
>>ACE/TAO/CIAO to the latest version from the ACE CVS 
>>repository.  This will give you access to the latest version 
>>of (either from $ACE_ROOT\bin\ or 
>>$ACE_ROOT\MPC\  In addition to checking out 
>>ACE_wrappers, you also need to check out the module ACE_MPC 
>>from the ACE_wrappers repository.  You can obtain more 
>>information about checking out ACE from CVS at:
> I used ACE VERSION: 5.4.7, but I will try to use the actual CVS repository.
>>>3. a lot of undefined references to UDM::*
>>>	PICML.obj : error LNK2019: Nicht aufgelöstes externes Symbol
>>>'"__declspec(dllimport) public: static bool __cdecl 
>>>std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > const &,struct 
>>>Udm::UdmDiagram const &)"
>>(__imp_?StoreDiagram at MetaDepository@Udm@@SA_NABV?$basic_string at DU?$cha
>>>r_traits at D@std@@V?$allocator at D@2@@std@@ABUUdmDiagram at 2@@Z)',
>>>verwiesen in Funktion '"public: __thiscall 
>>>PICML::_regClass::_regClass(void)" (??0_regClass at PICML@@QAE at XZ)'
>>It looks like you compiled portions of your code with one 
>>version of UDM and then are trying to link with another version of UDM.
> I will give you a feedback if I could compile and run the newest CoSMIC stuff.
> Bye
> Vasili

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