[cosmic-users] Tutorial Building a Stock Quoter with TAO

Roland.Schimmack at gmx.de Roland.Schimmack at gmx.de
Wed Feb 1 22:45:01 CST 2006


in this tutorial there are some typos:

- Importing IDL to PICML:
  The tool name is idl_to_picml and not tao_picml.
  The includes directive should be -I %CIAO_ROOT%\ciao and not -I 
  The includes directive -I .\Stock_Base should be appended.

- ComponentPackage (.cpd):
  The reference is Quoter/ComponentImplementations/Broker/Broker and not 

- ToplevelPackage (.pcd):
  2. Add a ... -> connect "ToplevelPackage" to "Default" and not "default".

Is it possible to describe the necessary versions of GME and COSMIC? The 
tutorial works only with GME and COSMIC 0.4.8.
Another question is how can I modell a Flattened DeploymentPlan with PICML 
that's using Realtime Policies to define thread pools for CIAO CORBA 
Components? What are the steps to define a thread pool for a component in a 
picml modell?


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