[cosmic-users] Re: [ciao-users] Tutorial COSMIC Quoter: Typos in the tutorial Quoter

Krishnakumar B kitty at dre.vanderbilt.edu
Thu Feb 2 22:44:37 CST 2006

Hi Roland,

On Thu, 02 Feb 2006 05:10:06 PM -0600, ming xiong wrote:
> Hi, Roland,


>>      In the tutorial $CIAO_ROOT/docs/tutorials/ are some typos:
>>      - Importing IDL to PICML:
>>        The tool name is idl_to_picml and not tao_picml.

Yes, we missed to report this change in the release notes, though the
documentation for the tool (idl_to_picml) gives the correct usage.

>>        The includes directive should be -I %CIAO_ROOT%\ciao and not -I
>> %CIAO_ROOT%\DAnCE\ciao

The need for appending the standard include directories has been removed.
This capability will be part of the next release.

>>        The includes directive -I .\Stock_Base should be appended.
> This has been fixed.

I believe Ming has fixed this.

>>        After invoking idl_to_picml the part browser of GME shows a
>> different
>>        tree structure compared to the one that is shown in the tutorial.

Yes, this is part of the enhancements to idl_to_picml which makes it easy
to deploy a simple application.

>>      - ImplementationArtifacts (.iad )
>>        The tool idl_to_picml generates dependsOn relations without
>>        ImplementationArtifactsReferences. GME can connect
>> ImplementationArtifacts
>>        directly without using ImplementationArtifactsReferences.

So what's the problem?


>> Another question is how can I modell a Flattened DeploymentPlan with
>> PICML that's using Realtime Policies to define thread pools for CIAO
>> CORBA Components? What are the steps to define a thread pool for a
>> component in a picml modell?

You can model the real-time policies using PICML, and generate the
CIAOServerResources descriptors.  But the logic to hookup the policies with
component instances is not yet implemented.  It will probably be added in
the next release.


Krishnakumar B <kitty at dre dot vanderbilt dot edu>
Institute for Software Integrated Systems, Dept. of EECS, Vanderbilt University

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