[cosmic-users] possibilities to import UML diagrams

Friedhelm Wolf friedhelm.wolf at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 9 02:39:50 CDT 2007

Hi Sumant,

I am not sure I understand what you want to do. CoSMIC is a domain
> specific modeling tool and the models it works on are DSMs and not UML
> models. So I think a UML model can't be imported easily without some
> serious transformations on it. DSMLs of CoSMIC are developed using

Yes, I am shure there has to be some serious transformation to bring our
UML descriptions to a DSML. However that is the plan: The existing
UML diagram is kind of a platform independent specification which should
have a mapping to CORBA interfaces and CCM components. It is planned
to write some kind of mapping tool and I want to find out, which
are supported to import the output of such a mapper tool into GME. My first
thought was that there might be an XML format for that.

MetaGME, which is close to UML. Your UML models (class diagrams) may be
> imported as a metamodel with some transformations on it but that will
> give rise to a new DSML, which won't be a part of CoSMIC. Which DSML in

Ok, this would be an approach, where GME itself would do the transformation
of our modell into the desired format. However I'm not shure if that works
in the UML definition I talk of, there are additionally defined stereotypes.
Would MetaGME
be able to cope with something like that. I'm not very familiar with DSML
in CoSMIC. How would it look like (which tools, ...) to define a DSML that
can map
an UML spec to a CoSMIC DSML?

CoSMIC do you think is useful for you? PICML, CQML, DQML, POSAML are the
> major ones.

We talk about PICML here for now  ... because its mainly about the
generation of
CCM interfaces.

I hope my explanation is not confusing. Let us know if you have more
> questions.

Thanks a lot for your explanations and questions to clearify my request.


> Sumant.
> Friedhelm Wolf wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > can you point me to some documentation about import functionality for
> > PICML and GME?
> > Our use case is, that we have a system specified within Enterprise
> > Architect in UML and
> > we hope to be able to import parts of the system into CoSMIC by some
> > form of automated
> > import functionality.
> >
> > Does anyone have some experience here?
> >
> > Thanks a lot,
> > Friedhelm
> >
> >
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