[easel] Re: [gme-users] Invoking runComponent from GME Addon.

Jonathan Sprinkle sprinkle at EECS.Berkeley.Edu
Wed Dec 7 16:39:33 CST 2005

> It might be better if Daniel were to tell us more about the "what" without
> choosing yet a "how".  For example, just as it is possible to invoke an
> AddOn externally, by generating a global or object event, it is possible
> to
> invoke a model interpreter externally.  Perhaps the external entity should
> be orchestrating.  I don't know because I don't know what Daniel is trying
> to accomplish.

Good point; this may be my bias creeping in here for the solution. If I
could just expand a bit, the goal is to have two different editors (GME and
some External Editor [XE]) which can push design changes to the other
through a shared repository (SR). GME --> SR --> XE currently works, because
XE has a funky listener (itself a hack) waiting for updates from the SR.

The goal next is to show the XE --> SR --> GME push by receiving a 'change'
from the SR.

I've simplified this some (and I'm by no means an expert on the software!),
so Daniel may want to chime in with more or less specific details... 

I thought I saw some low-hanging fruit with the AddOn, so I'm sure I biased
the solution in this regard.....in any case, it seems that the only piece we
are lacking is how to tell GME to check against or listen for the SR...I
think we could make it work by pushing a button on the interpreter which
would check against the SR, but it would be nice to just "go into" some
model and see it has been updated based on behavior the SR or XE sends to


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