[gme-users] Can ports be shown on North and South sides of a model?

Stefan Marte stefanmarte at yahoo.de
Mon Jan 9 14:09:32 CST 2006


I think the short answer is no. 
The slightly longer answer is that the placement of the ports is
determined by the decorator used, so you could develop a custom
decorator that enables free port placements (and port sizes).

I actually wrote such a beast (that did a lot of other things as well)
but the code is not exavtly in a distibutable state.



--- Jesper Berthing <jbe at cfsi.dk> schrieb:

> Hi,
> In my current GME version the ports of a model is visible on the East
> and West side of the model. My question is, is it possible to
> setup/enable that ports can placed on the North and South side of a
> model as well as East and West?
> If possible, where can I enable this?
> Thanks,
> Jesper
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