[Ace-users] [tao-users] About POA Manager in TAO

Steve Totten totten_s at ociweb.com
Mon Dec 17 11:38:50 CST 2007

Hello Santos,

santos . wrote:
> Hi,
> I was reading the CORBA specifications about the POA Manager and I found 
> the information that before POA Manager be activate it queues the 
> incoming requests. Can you tell me if I can change the state of the POA 
> Manager from ACTIVE to a PAUSED at which it automatically queue the 
> requests and send them to the correct object after being reactivated?

What you describe is actually the HOLDING state.  You can put a
POAManager into the HOLDING state by calling hold_requests() on
it.  Later, it can be reactivated by calling activate().  The
HOLDING state is also the initial state of a new POAManager.

Unless something has changed very recently, TAO's support of the
HOLDING state uses a maximum queue size of zero (0), which means
that no requests are actually held.  If the number of held
requests meets the maximum queue size, the POAManager will raise
the CORBA::TRANSIENT exception with a minor code of 1 for new
requests.  Therefore, the POAManager in TAO behaves the same in
the HOLDING state as in the DISCARDING state.

  Steve Totten, Principal Software Engineer and Partner
  Object Computing, Inc. (OCI), St. Louis, MO, USA
  http://www.ociweb.com/  http://www.theaceorb.com/

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