[Ace-users] [ace-users] ACE_Service_Repository::instance (size_t size = ACE_Service_Repository::DEFAULT_SIZE )

Douglas C. Schmidt schmidt at dre.vanderbilt.edu
Thu Dec 27 07:43:26 CST 2007


To ensure that we have proper version/platform/compiler information,
please make sure you fill out the appropriate problem report form
(PRF), which is in


or in


in older versions of ACE+TAO.  Make sure to include this information
when asking any questions about ACE+TAO since otherwise we have to
"guess" what version/platform/compiler/options you've using, which is
very error-prone and slows down our responsiveness.  If you don't use
the PRF, therefore, it is less likely that someone from the core
ACE+TAO developer team will be able to answer your question.
Naturally, we encourage and appreciate other members of the ACE+TAO
user community who can respond to questions that they have the answers

>> Either way works fine - it all depends on whether you're doing the
>> remove programmatically (i.e., from a program) or from a svc.conf file.
>i use ACE_Service_Config::process_directive(ACE_TCHAR[] remove_info);
>remove_info like "remove service"
>but it`s size still grow untill

I don't understand what the problem is.  Can you please explain it in
more detail?


Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt                       Professor and Associate Chair
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science  TEL: (615) 343-8197
Vanderbilt University                        WEB: www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/~schmidt
Nashville, TN 37203                          NET: d.schmidt at vanderbilt.edu

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