[ace-users] How do we make use of a notification Service without Naming service?

Douglas C. Schmidt schmidt at dre.vanderbilt.edu
Wed Jul 18 04:56:21 CDT 2007

Hi Prakash,

>    Yes, I did hard coding to access IOR, but not able to find out what
> and how to extract information from IOR.  can you explain with basic
> steps of how IOR is use at supplier and consumer side?

It's very straightforward.  You can do this via the
ORB::string_to_object() and ORB::object_to_string() methods.  Please see
the various examples of how to do this in the various examples in
TAO_ROOT/examples/Simple/.  Please look at the tutorials at
TAO_ROOT/docs/tutorials for more discussion of how this works.



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