[Ace-users] Re: [tao-users] Windows 64 bit platform

Steve Totten totten_s at ociweb.com
Tue Jun 19 10:41:55 CDT 2007


Johnny Willemsen wrote:
> Hi,
>> Great!
>> Just two more info about porting.
>> Do you compile using MS Visual C++ or other compilers ?
> We compile with Intel C++, we have a customer that runs on Windows 64bit and
> uses Intel C++. We really like the Intel C++ compiler, it is very good, and
> if you encounter a problem, they release an update about each two months, so
> you don't have to wait years to get a compiler update
>> Currently I'm using a std distribution from OCI ( 1.4a 09 ),
>> do you also use OCI distribution or do you have your own
>> distribution ?
> We support any distribution of ACE/TAO, most of our customers are using a
> doc_group version but we do have customers using the OCI distribution. For
> 64bit, I would recommend to switch to the doc_group version, it has much
> better support for 64bit systems.

Johnny is probably right that the latest doc_group version has
better support for 64-bit systems than the OCI TAO 1.4a_p9
version you are currently using.  That version is over one year
old, and is in a release family that is rooted on the TAO 1.4.3
beta release that was released in December 2004.

However, I believe OCI's latest TAO 1.5a release will have
comparable 64-bit support to the doc_group version since it is
based on a quite recent (1.5.6) beta release, plus has been
extensively tested and stabilized across a wide variety of
platforms and development environments.  OCI TAO 1.5a can be
downloaded from:


If you are interested in staying with OCI's fully-supported
family of releases, please give TAO 1.5a a try.  If you find
any issues with it, please let us know.

Thank you.

Steve Totten
Engineering and Support Manager
  Steve Totten, Principal Software Engineer and Partner
  Object Computing, Inc. (OCI), St. Louis, MO, USA
  http://www.ociweb.com/  http://www.theaceorb.com/

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