[Ace-users] [ace-users] linux version requirement for ACE

Douglas C. Schmidt schmidt at dre.vanderbilt.edu
Thu Oct 4 19:55:57 CDT 2007

Hi Richard,

> thanks for your quick response.

You are quite welcome.  BTW, please send all emails about ACE to the ACE
mailing list, rather than to me directly.

> I just checked the Scoreboard which you provide to me. there are 4 failures when you did tests on
> Redhat_Enterprise_Linux_4. two of them are related to SSL communication.
> My project are using Acceptor-Connector framework and the Acceptor and Connector are based on ACE_SSL_SOCK_ACCEPTOR and
> ACE_SSL_SOCK_CONNECTOR. so the SSL communication is the major part of my project. we also use thread pool and Reactor. Now
> the project are running on Windows XP. I am going to port the project to Linux OS.
> I have some choices for linux OS:
> Redhat_Enterprise_Linux_5 (include g++ 4)
> Redhat_Enterprise_Linux_4
> Redhat_Enterprise_Linux_3
> or other Linux platform
> I am not sure which linux OS are more suitable for my situation. could you please give me a suggestion?

Any of those Redhat platforms should work fine.  I recommend you try ACE
5.6.1 on one of them and let us know if you run into problems.

take care,


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