[Ace-users] Corba IDL mappings for C are not updated?

Alessio Pace alessio.pace at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 12:30:15 CDT 2007

Hi Doug,

thanks for your very quick replies (as on the CIAO ml).

My concern is that indeed I'm just exploring the lwCCM specs, and
apparently, to my knowledge (I've spent some time googling):

1) it does not exist *just* a lwCCM profile implementation, but only
full CCM implementations (MICO, CIAO, ..)

2) among those, there isn' t a pure C implementation

The (2) point I think it's forcely like that, given the fact there is
no updated C mapping specification, so I wonder how a pure C
implementation could exist..

Could you confirm on the two points?

Thanks again.

Best regards,
Alessio Pace.

On Oct 18, 5:35 pm, schm... at tango.dre.vanderbilt.edu (Douglas C.
Schmidt) wrote:
> Hi Alessio,
> You are right on target here - the CORBA C mappings haven't been
> updated in a long time.  I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for this to
> change on its own, i.e., if you want to see updated CORBA mappings for
> C you'll need to step up and invest your time and energy to see this
> through the OMG.  The reason for this, of course, is that there is a
> tiny (and probably shrinking) market for CORBA/C, so ORB vendors and
> the OMG haven't put energy into updating the standard.
> Take care,
>      Doug
> >Hello, still in the path of figuring out if in Corba the C language
> >has remained behind (see my previous post:
> >http://groups.google.com/group/comp.object.corba/browse_thread/thread...
> >),
> >I see that in the "Corba Language Mapping Specifications" page:
> >  http://www.omg.org/technology/documents/formal/corba_language_mapping...
> >the C language mapping specification is indeed quite old and does not
> >take into account new keywords introduced, such as "valuetype".
> >Since I'm not an expert I would like to know if I'm missing something
> >(ie the specs are elsewhere, if "valuetype" can be mapped to something
> >else compatible at the ORB level, etc...).
> >Thanks in advance for any suggestion,
> >Alessio Pace.
> --
> Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt                       Professor and Associate Chair
> Electrical Engineering and Computer Science  TEL: (615) 343-8197
> Vanderbilt University                        WEB:www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/~schmidt
> Nashville, TN 37203                          NET: d.schm... at vanderbilt.edu

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