[Ace-users] Re: [tao-users] TAO/CIAO + OpenDDS dependency?

Adam Mitz mitza at ociweb.com
Fri Sep 7 12:51:39 CDT 2007

Sowayan, Abdullah (N-DUA) wrote:
> I was using TAO/CIAO x.5.5, which works perfectly well for us. We were
> in the process of upgrading to TAO/CIAO x.6.0. Now when we generate our
> make files (using MPC) and try to build our system, we get messages such
> as this:
> GNUmakefile.PSCMDeviceDefs_stub:54: /rules.dds.GNU: No such file or
> directory.
> When we download OpenDDS and define DDS_ROOT, those messages disappear.
> Has anyone experienced this? Something is brain damaged here. 
The logic for including rules.dds.GNU is similar to that for including 
rules.ciao.GNU and rules.tao.GNU.  In GNUACEProjectCreator.pm, we have:
  elsif ($name eq 'dds') {
    my($incs) = $self->get_assignment('includes');
    my($libs) = $self->get_assignment('libpaths');
    return ((defined $incs && $incs =~ /dds/i) ||
            (defined $libs && $libs =~ /dds/i));

So if the includes or the libs match dds, it is considered a dds 
project.  Maybe this is just a coincidence that your project is being 
detected as if it were using OpenDDS?  A similar thing would happen with 
a false dependency on CIAO if you had a non-CIAO (just ACE+TAO) project 
that happen to have the letters c, i, a, o (in that order) in an include 
or libpath.

Adam Mitz
Software Engineer
Object Computing, Inc.

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