[Ace-users] Re: [tao-users] Naming Service problem

Johnny Willemsen jwillemsen at remedy.nl
Tue Sep 25 06:12:51 CDT 2007

The WellWisher is a naming context, you have to create that first using
Johnny Willemsen
Remedy IT
Postbus 101
2650 AC  Berkel en Rodenrijs
The Netherlands
www.theaceorb.nl / www.remedy.nl 

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http://scoreboard.theaceorb.nl <http://scoreboard.theaceorb.nl/>  ***
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	From: dhanya v [mailto:vishnu.dhanya at gmail.com] 
	Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 12:48 PM
	To: Johnny Willemsen
	Subject: Re: Naming Service problem
	Hi Willemsen,
	Thanks for replying.
	My code is as following:
	//Creating CORBA object
	hello_HelloInterface_i* helloImpl = new hello_HelloInterface_i(); 
	hello::HelloInterface_var hello = helloImpl -> _this();

	//Resolved Name Service
	CORBA::Object_var naming_context_object =
orb->resolve_initial_references ("NameService");
	CosNaming::NamingContext_var root_context =
CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow (naming_context_object.in ()); 

	//Creating Name space
	CosNaming::Name name (2);
	name->length (2);
	name[0].id = CORBA::string_dup ("WellWisher");
	name[1].id = CORBA::string_dup ("Hello");

	cout<<"\tBinding Name with NamingService"<<endl;
	root_context->rebind (name, hello.in());

	and this fails with the exception
	NotFound (IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContext/NotFound:1.0)
	What do you mean by creating WellWisher context in advance?
	On 9/25/07, Johnny Willemsen <jwillemsen at remedy.nl> wrote: 

		This will only work if you have created the WellWisher
context in advance,
		you can't create new contexts as apart of the bind. 
		Johnny Willemsen
		Remedy IT
		Postbus 101
		2650 AC  Berkel en Rodenrijs
		The Netherlands
		www.theaceorb.nl / www.remedy.nl 
		*** Integrated compile and test statistics see
		http://scoreboard.theaceorb.nl ***
		*** Commercial service and support for ACE/TAO/CIAO
		*** See http://www.theaceorb.nl/en/support.html
		<vishnu.dhanya at gmail.com> wrote in message
1190224675.526887.173440 at e34g2000pro.googlegroups.com>...
		>     ACE VERSION: 5.5.8
		>     HOST MACHINE and OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 2000 &
		>    THE $ACE_ROOT/include/makeinclude/platform_macros.GNU
FILE [if you
		>     use a link to a platform-specific file, simply state
which one
		>     (unless this isn't used in this case, e.g., with
Microsoft Visual 
		>     C++)]:
		>     CORBA Naming Service
		>         COMPILATION? No
		>         LINKING? No 
		>         EXECUTION? YES
		>         OTHER (please specify)?
		>     SYNOPSIS:
		> [Brief description of the problem]
		> If I try to create a Name in Naming Service, and set its
length more 
		> than 1 I get exception.
		> I am trying to create a Name of length 2. (more than 1).
it compiles
		> and links well, but fails at execution time with the
		> exception when bind or rebind is called.
		> NotFound
		>     REPEAT BY:
		>       CORBA::Object_var naming_context_object = orb- 
		> >resolve_initial_references ("NameService");
		>       CosNaming::NamingContext_var root_context =
		>         CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow
(naming_context_object.in ());
		>       cout<<"\n\tRegistering HelloInterface object with 
		> NamingService"<<endl;
		>       CosNaming::Name name;// = new CosNaming::Name ();
		>       name.length (2);
		>       name[0].id =  CORBA::string_dup ("WellWisher");
		>       name[1].id =  CORBA::string_dup ("Hello"); 
		>       root_context->bind (name, hello.in ());
		> It should be possible to create a Name of length more than
1 right?
		> regards,
		> Vishnu

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