[ace-users] message transfer between processes.

Douglas C. Schmidt schmidt at dre.vanderbilt.edu
Tue Sep 25 07:44:49 CDT 2007

Hi Kim,

To ensure that we have proper version/platform/compiler information,
please make sure you fill out the appropriate problem report form (PRF),
which is in


or in


in older versions of ACE+TAO.  Make sure to include this information
when asking any questions about ACE+TAO since otherwise we have to
"guess" what version/platform/compiler/options you've using, which is
very error-prone and slows down our responsiveness.  If you don't use
the PRF, therefore, it is less likely that someone from the core
ACE+TAO developer team will be able to answer your question.
Naturally, we encourage and appreciate other members of the ACE+TAO
user community who can respond to questions that they have the answers

> Looking for a way of transfer messages between two process spaces using A=
CE with reactor on windows xp.

I recommend you use ACE_SOCK_Stream/ACE_SOCK_Acceptor/ACE_SOCK_Connector
and ACE_Acceptor/ACE_Connector, as shown in C++NPv1/C++NPv2

> I looked at SPIPE. Try to use one example, but it doesn=D5t seem to work.

ACE_SPIPE should work fine.  Please see


for an example to ry.

> Then I found UPIPE. Try the example, and it works. Example is based on th=
reads, and not different process space.

Right - it's not what you want to use..

> Search for UPIPE documentation. Can=D5t find any references in the books.=
 Found that it stands for =D2User pipe=D3.


> What is the UPIPE capability compared to SPIPE ?

You don't want to use UPIPE for what you're trying to do.

Take care,


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