[Ace-users] [tao-users] Ruby2CORBA first impressions

Seib Leo LSeib at LSB-Niedersachsen.de
Wed Sep 26 06:19:09 CDT 2007

Hi all,

I want to share my first impressions with Ruby2CORBA from Remedy
I have experience with 2 CORBA-capable script-languages: CORBAScript and
universe extension for PHP4. Both are not in active development now,
both need running InterfaceRepository service, both have problems with
performance, both haven't IDL-compiler, both haven't or have bad support
for TAO . All of these disadvantages are solved in Ruby2CORBA.
I have tested Ruby2CORBA with my active CORBA-Project and have found
out, that it is very useful at least at client-side - instead of
building of C++ -client one is able to produce working client in few
minutes (without using any build system, quick change of script without
need to recompile etc.).  

1. Ruby2CORBA is a good tool to build TAO distribution. 
2. Ruby2CORBA has a good IDL-Compiler with wide type support.
3. Ruby2CORBA has a good performance (have not made benchmarks, just a
feeling :-))
4. Ruby2CORBA has no need in InterfaceRepository running

One need some familiarization with Ruby - Ruby as a language has some
code-conventions - therefore not all definitions in IDL seems just as to
expect in Ruby.

It was very kindly from Remedy, that they fixed 2 minor bugs in
ruby-IDL-compiler for me.
Thank you very much for your great work.

Leo Seib,
LSB Niedersachsen

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