[Ace-users] [ace-users] Build for both x86 and x64 on windows system

Adam Mitz mitza at ociweb.com
Wed Mar 5 12:43:55 CST 2008

Adam Mitz wrote:
> Steve Huston wrote:
>> Hi Moti,
>>> I used ACE 5.6 in our application and I need to build both x86
>>> and x64 platform.
>> Ok.
>>> Is there any option to separate the lib directory for x86 and x64
>>> to allow done batch build for both system at the same build.
>> Yes - you can, but you'll need to regenerate the projects with MPC,
>> and you may need to twiddle some settings a bit.
>> However, it'll be much easier to do one build, stage the libs you
>> need, then do the other.
> I agree with Steve's advice but I tried it anyway.  I think changing the 
> directory would be trickier than adding a modifier at the end

Here's the version that changes the directory.  Note that this 
hard-codes all projects to use %ACE_ROOT%\lib\x64, which may not be what 
you want if you're going to run this against app code and not just ACE 

..\bin\mwc.pl -type vc8 ace.mwc -value_project 
libout=$(ACE_ROOT)/lib/x64 -value_template platforms=x64 -name_modifier 
*_x64libout -apply_project

Adam Mitz
Software Engineer
Object Computing, Inc.

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