[ace-users] Upgrade from ACE 5.5. to ACE 6.4 compilation error

Johnny Willemsen jwillemsen at remedy.nl
Wed Dec 20 03:11:05 CST 2017


Yes, that is correct, due to splitting of files and reducing
dependencies it could be that when you upgrade from 5.5 to 6.4 you need
to add some missing includes. I would recommend you to use 6.4.6 which
is the latest micro release.

Best regards,

Johnny Willemsen

Remedy IT
Postbus 81 | 6930 AB Westervoort | The Netherlands

On 12/20/2017 10:00 AM, Frank Kaaijk wrote:
> As the subject already shows, I’m working on a long overdue version
> update of our ACE library.
> We’re moving to VS2017 and must therefore rebuild all libraries.
> I’ve tried building 5.5 in VS2017 but got in big trouble pretty soon
> due to the _/MSC/_VER defines.
> I decided to leave that route and build the latest stable version
> 6.4.0 in VS2017.
> The building works just fine, but I get compilation errors:
> Error C2079: ‘guard’ uses undefined class ‘ACE_Guard<ACE_Thread_Mutex> ‘
> I’m including ‘ace\Synch.h’ (and ‘ace\ACE.h’), but as I already found
> out this header file no longer includes ‘Guard_T.h’ (as was the case
> in 5.5.)
> I can add this include to my source, but is that correct? I expect
> Guard_T.h to be included by some ‘base’ include file.
> One other question:
> I’m generating NuGet packages and need to have the correct includes.
> Right now, I’m copying all ‘*.h’, ‘*.inl’ and ‘*.cpp’ from
> ACE_Wrappers/ace. Is that correct? Or is a Perl script available for
> ‘installing’ ACE?
> *•*
> *Frank Kaaijk*
> Software Architect
> Wiltonstraat 41, Veenendaal
> 3905 KW Netherlands
> T: +31 318 583 450 F: +31 318 583 451 	Logo DelftDI
> <http://delftdi.com/hit>
> We care for people
> *
> *
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