[cosmic-users] possibilities to import UML diagrams

Krishnakumar B kitty at dre.vanderbilt.edu
Mon Jul 9 11:02:57 CDT 2007

Hi Folks,

On Mon, 09 Jul 2007 10:26:30 AM -0500, Sumant Tambe wrote:
> Hi Friedhelm,


>> 1. Use the existing MetaGME UML model to import the diagrams (question:
>> which is the input format to import UML descriptions?)
>>    and create a DSML which maps this UML profile to PICML
>> 2. generate IDL files out of the UML profiles and import the into PICML
>> using the idl_to_picml.exe importer.
> The first approach sounds non-trivial to me compared to the second if your
> goal it to generate CCM descriptors.

Just go with the second option and save yourself the trouble.

Krishnakumar B <kitty at dre dot vanderbilt dot edu>
Institute for Software Integrated Systems, Dept. of EECS, Vanderbilt University

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