[cosmic-users] CoSMIC 0.7.9 is available

James H. Hill hillj at cs.iupui.edu
Mon Jun 28 18:58:48 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

The Component Synthesis using Model-Integrated Computing (CoSMIC)
release 0.7.9 is out and the installers are available for download at


The CoSMIC tool suite consists of

     o   Platform-Independent Component Modeling Language (PICML)
     o   Component QoS Modeling Language (CQML)
     o   DDS QoS Modeling Language (DQML)

PICML is a Model-Integrated Computing (MIC) based paradigm for modeling 
CORBA Component Model (CCM) based applications, which use the latest 
Deployment and Configuration Specification (D&C), for configuration and 
deployment. CQML allows PICML-based models to capture the higher level 
QoS design intent and helps generate QoS configuration metadata from 
annotated models. DQML allows modeling of large number QoS knobs 
provided by DDS.

This document lists the new features that are introduced in the latest

Release CoSMIC-0.7.9

. Added support for IDL3+. This included adding support for template
   modules, port types, extended ports, mirror ports, and
   connectors to the InterfaceDefinitions aspect.

. Added support for modeling and deploying different implementations
   of a component. This resulted in changing how to model component
   instances in an assembly. This will also require you to migrate
   existing models to the lastest version of PICML.

   Please see the StockQuoter example at the following location for
   how to use the new version of PICML:


   In addition, please see the MIGRATION file in the ./docs for
   information on migrating existing models.

. Upgraded to the latest version of GME. We will no longer support
   muliple versions of GME at this time. Instead, we will only support
   the latest version of GME.

. The deployment plan interpreter now generates a supplemental .cdd
   file for each deployment it generates. If a property of type String
   with the following name is attached to a NodeReference:

     . StringIOR
     . CORBAName

   then the deployment plan interpreter will add the corresponding
   properties for that node to the generated .ccd file.

. The default component implementation generator has been added
   to the interpreter toolbar.

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